Wednesday 18 January 2012

Make Your Own Solar Panel

How to make your own Solar Panel

Although caring for our environment concerns us all, to what degree will this influence us to do something about it. How much we need to spend will determine the outcome. Installing solar panels is no different. Make your own solar panel is the better and more economic option

Make your own solar panel is simpler that you thing and much easier to achieve excellent results. Converting to solar power at home will give you the means of using the sun's rays to power up your home and you will find everything you need online or locally at the hardware

Firstly, you need to make sure that you are prepared and this means having all the necessary materials at hand. To make your own solar panel you will require a hotplate of a minimum of 1100 watts, a micro ammeter, some sheet metal shears, tap water, safety goggles and a two liter plastic or glass recipient. You will also need around three tablespoons of salt, some copper flashing, sand paper, and lastly two alligator clips.

Here's an example of a single process of making your own solar panel. You take the copper flashing and cut it to the required size as given in the instructions. Then give it a good sanding down to ensure that any impure properties are removed. Then you place it over the burner until the heat produces a substantial layer of cupric oxide. This whole process usually takes about half an hour but be sure to follow the instructions to the letter. Simple!

Once the layer of cupric acid has formed on the copper you need to allow the copper to cool. As the copper cools down, the cupric oxide will begin to flake and can do so quite violently as it will cool at a different rate to the original copper underneath. Once the plate is properly cooled you need to concentrate on scraping away the remaining oxide with the aid of water. When you make your own solar panel this stage needs some care and attention as you do not wish to remove the red cuprous oxide, only the top blackened layer.

The next stage when you Make your own solar panel is to cut another piece of copper sheeting to the same size. These two panels then need to be carefully attached to the inside of the glass or plastic two liter receptacle with the alligator clips making sure that they follow the curvature of the bottle and that they do not overlap or touch.

Now this is where you bring in your meter and see the results. Take the oxidized plate and connect it to the negative connection and the unoxidized to the positive. You than take both plates and lower them into salt water making sure that the alligator clips do not touch the water, you then take it out into the daylight and there you will see the needle on the meter rise. In which case you have dicovered how to make your own solar panel. These directions are in crude form just for use of illustration and should not be taken as clear instructions on how to make your own solar panel. You will find the exact instructions that you need here. Make your own solar panel

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